The Dresden Dolls uit elkaar?

Brian Viglione op tour met World/Inferno Friendship Society

Muzieknieuws 25-09-2008 09:55

Het punkcabaretduo The Dresden Dolls, bestaande uit drummer Brian Viglione en zangeres/pianist Amanda Palmer, heeft voor onbepaalde tijd verlof opgenomen. The Dresden Dolls zegden afgelopen zomer al de nodige festivaloptredens af. Beide muzikanten willen zich op andere zaken richten.

Brian Viglione tourde onlangs met met de band World/Inferno Friendship Society door Europa en trekt in oktober en november door de VS.

De drummer bevestigt dat het voorlopig gebeurd is met de Dolls:
"Yes, the band is "done" in the sense that we are not actively booking tours, etc. And there is no date scheduled in the future to "resume working on the new album" as interviewers like to say. And that's OK with us. It takes a lot off pressure of us and let's us both focus on what we've already got on our plates."

Amanda Palmer bracht eerder deze maand haar solodebuut 'Who Killed Amanda Palmer' uit via Roadrunner en staat nu solo op het podium, al is dat even wennen:

"I had gotten so used to always factoring Brian into everything it that breaking myself of the pattern is weird. it's all me now, there's no drummer factor, at all. this has it's pros and cons. It's a little lonely but it's also not. Sometimes being onstage with Brian, when we weren't connected, made it feel impossible to connect to the crowd. (...) I'm sure it's similar to the feeling you have when you get divorced or break up with a long-term lover. You're excited by the liberation but you also miss the routine, however complicated."

The Dresden Dolls begonnen in 2000 en hebben drie full-length albums op hun naam staan: 'The Dresden Dolls' (2003), 'Yes, Virginia' (2006) en 'No, Virginia' (2008). Het duo staat bekend om zijn energieke live shows.
