Paul Hopkins terug bij Skinlab

Artist news 10-12-2004 14:50

Skinlab-frontman Steev Esquivel heeft een update gegeven over zijn band. Ondanks sterke geruchten is Skinlab niet uit elkaar. Sterker nog, oorspronkelijk drummer Paul Hopkins is na zeven maanden afwezigheid weer terug bij de band!

Esquivel schrijft:
"OK, there's been much speculation as to whether Skinlab has broken up or not. All we can say is... No! We're not ready to hang up our gloves just yet! (...) Yup that's right, after a seven year departure from the band Mike Roberts returned to the fold, with Paul Hopkins and Snake to write the best Skinlab record ever!"

Drummer Paul Hopkins stapte in april van 2004 na tien jaar trouwe dienst op. Wellicht omdat hij vlak daarvoor vader was geworden, wellicht ook omdat de onderlinge verhoudingen strubbelden.

Afgelopen dinsdag, 7 december, kwamen alle groepsleden in Snake's Greendot studio bij elkaar om de vredespijp te roken. De Skinlab-zanger vervolgt:

"After handshakes and the smoked cleared, it was time to turn on the Marshalls and bust out some riffs! "While hanging out we managed to lay down some tracks to what eventually ended up being one oth the heaviest song Skinlab has ever written. (...) Later in the day Hopkins laid down tracks for a song Snake and I had been working on appropriately titled 'Buried Alive', It's got that old school vibe, very pissed off (Slayer/Entombed 'Wolverine Blues') energy going on. If things go as good as they did today, we're gonna have ourselves a bad-ass record!! We are very aware of what's expected of Skinlab at this point, we're aware of our surroundings. And feel the 'Lab still has what it takes to contribute to the ever thriving metal scene."

Goed nieuws dus voor alle Skinlab-fans die vreesden dat de band op z'n gat lag. Naar verwachting komt Skinlab in 2005 met een nieuw album.
