Joey Jordison met Satyricon op tour

Artist news 06-10-2004 11:23

Slipknot-drummer Joey Jordison (zie foto) gaat met de Noorse blackmetalband Satyricon op tour! Hij zal als sessiedrummer fungeren tijdens de headlining tour door de VS. De serie optredens start 2 december in San Fransisco.

Frost (echte naam: Kjetil Haraldstad) , vaste drummer van Satyricon, is er nog steeds niet in geslaagd om een visum te bemachtigen. Door de strenge veiligheidsmaatregelen aan de Amerikaanse grenzen, komen nogal wat tourende bands in problemen. Zie ook dit nieuwbericht op Slagwerkwereld. Omdat Frost er niet in slaagt de VS binnen te komen, zal Joey Jordison nu drie weken lang bij Satyricon op de drumkruk zitten.

Satyricon-zanger Satyr (echte naam: Sigurd Wongraven) vreesde lange tijd dat er geen tour zou komen:

"Frost's visa to enter the States case has made everything extremely difficult for us and there have even been times I've thought to give up on touring America. I'm just very glad that we have a new tour lined up. I think all of our fans stateside will agree that Satyricon deserve a better chance to establish the band and our style of music we believe in than, more so than we've had so far."

In dezelfde verklaring toont Satyr zich bijzonder dankbaar ten opzichte van de Slipknot-drummer. Bovendien heeft de zanger alle vertrouwen in de capaciteiten van Jordison. Dankzij een grondige voorbereiding speelt de drummer probleemloos alle Satyricon-nummers mee:

"[Satyricon] never had to convince [Jowy] that touring with Satyricon would be 'cool.' It was rather a question of overcoming the practical obstacles with Joey being a key member of a very successful band. His enthusiasm and skill is exactly what Satyricon needs to raise the spirit in the camp. I have looked for drummers over here and most of them are afraid they can't match Frost's level of drumming so they pull out before we even get started with them. Joey and I have spent a lot of time making sure he is well prepared."
